How do I become an Authorized Payroll consultant at Srf konsulterna?

Application and admission requirements

First, you must fulfill one of these admission requirements and send us your application:

  • Six years of experience as a payroll consultant/ payroll administrator
  • Or have a Higher Vocational Education Diploma in payroll administration 300 credits (in Swedish: yrkeshögskoleexamen) and three years of experience as a payroll consultant/ payroll administrator
  • Or be an Authorized Payroll consultant at FAR and move your authorization to Srf konsulterna

Digital Exam

When your application is approved the next step is to do a digital authorization exam. The test consists of three parts:

Part 1 – Short questions with one or more correct answers

Part 2 – Short questions with calculations

Part 3 – A customer case where help the client with different issues

The exam and the different parts are available during a whole month of examination. But once you have started one of the three parts, you have to finish that part during a limited period of time.

Preparation course

We also offer a preparation course for everyone who wants to get more involved in questions, books, cases and issues linked to the exam.

Please observe that the test and the preparation course are only given in Swedish so you must be able to speak, write and understand Swedish to complete them.

For further questions please contact us at 010-483 80 00 or

12 feb

Debiterad preliminärskatt

Debiterad preliminärskatt ska vara inbetald på Skatteverkets konto. Uppgifterna om hur mycket som ska betalas och OCR-nummer finns på Skatteverkets beslut om debiterad preliminärskatt

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