NAF Nordic Accountant Federation

The Nordic Accountant Federation NAF is a federation of the Nordic accounting associations in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark. The purpose of NAF is to identify common topics for all countries where we can share knowledge and help each other to develop our associations and members. Another important part is to help the Nordic countries to conduct international influence on accounting related questions, all three associations are members of EFAA where we try to act as a unified in questions that let us do so.

The Accounting Profession in the Nordic Countries

The accounting profession is quite similar in Finland, Sweden and Norway. In these countries accounting and auditing are recognized as separate professions. An individual or company is therefore not permitted to carry out both accounting and auditing services for the same client.

Law regulates the auditing profession in all the Nordic countries. However, only Norway has a legislative framework governing the accounting profession. In 1993 a law was passed which (amongst other things) makes demands on these engaged in accounting and sets standards relation to education and experience.

The Clients

A considerable number of Scandinavian businesses use the services of professional accounts. Surveys show that more than half of the small and medium-sized companies in Finland, Sweden and Norway use external consultants for their accounting needs.

The Organizations

The accountant’s organizations in these countries see their main objective as being to promote high professional and ethical standards amongst accountants. The organizations establish regulations relating to accounting practice and arrange a wide range of courses and seminars for their members which are designed to ensure high professional standards.

Further information on the accounting profession and organizations in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark may be obtained from their respective offices.

Regnskap Norge
Suomen Taloushallintoliitto oy
Srf konsulterna 

25 feb

Moms – periodisk sammanställning – e-tjänst

Företag som har sålt varor eller tjänster momsfritt till företag i andra EU-länder ska ha skickat in periodisk sammanställning för januari 2025 till Skatteverket om e-tjänsten används.

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